35% fewer jobs, 40% more applications: Djinni analytics 2023 roundup

35% fewer jobs, 40% more applications: Djinni analytics 2023 roundup

The ongoing war with russia continues to impact the IT industry. Ukrainian businesses are adapting as effectively as possible under the circumstances, yet it became much more difficult to land a new job even for a seasoned specialist.

In 2023, recruiters posted 35% fewer vacancies on Djinni compared to 2022. Notably, there was a 40% rise in the number of applications resulting in 3.4 million of job postings. November 2023 witnessed the lowest hiring number since the beginning of full scale russian invasion. The decline in demand has impacted salaries: technical specialists are being hired on average for $200-500 less than last year.

The number of active job seekers has risen by 20,000 compared to the start of the year, though this growth has plateaued at about 92 thousand candidates online in a few recent months.

For the first time in Djinni's history, JavaScript is no longer the largest category by number of vacancies. It has been surpassed by Marketing, and in the fourth quarter, also by Sales. Regarding job competition, the most contested roles are Manual QA. Such vacancies in November received an average of 105 responses, while the average figure among all categories was 24. The only category with more or less optimistic picture is marketing, with an increase in both vacancies and hires compared to the previous year.

There's also been a shift in the geographic distribution of IT specialists. The proportion of specialists based in Ukraine has decreased from 76% to 71%, while the presence of Polish specialists in the market has doubled.

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